Calcutta – Travel Book #1

Calcutta, the city of Joy is not the same. The joy and fun is lost. All that remains now is fear, agony, sadness, crime, political rowdies,women and child harassment and the list goes on. The changing face of this city is dark and spotted. The city people celebrates Durga Puja, where a women deity is worshiped and rapes a 6 years old schoolgirl at the same time to complete the celebration. Like a Christmas cake , the perverts of this city slices girls and women into small pieces. The Government is too busy to be stirred up and take action on these events. Communal aggression is becoming a part of happy living. The people of the city wakes up , closes their eyes, start the day.

Out there in this black, there are many who live a normal life, working all day. There are still some people who think that there will be peace and purity in the heart of those daemons. One day all this will be a past and there will be peace and love everywhere.

My series is about the everyday life and moments of my city people. These images are just pages from the Travel Book of Calcutta while my journey continues…

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